Thursday, July 17, 2008

Neighborhood Bully

Leslie Sacks at Family Security Matters writes,
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. That selective claim now underpins world politics. It seems that since the war of 1967, with its stunning victory against all odds, Israel finally lost its "underdog" identity...

Everything becomes upside-down in this Alice of Wonderland. Five million Israelis on 1% of the land in the Middle East with no oil and natural minerals are holding hostage to 300 million Arabs with 75% of the world's oil reserves and an unbreakable majority in the UN councils.

These Jews must be very powerful, very sinister ...
Read all of The World’s Most Successful Con Game.

1 comment:

Leslie J. Sacks said...

Thank you for posting this on your blog, Athos. You obviously have excellent taste (in music, too!).
Would like to contact you by email...if possible.