The collusion, the enabling, the dysfunctional behavior that passes for normalcy in postmodernity's oil-sated idolatry will not pass easily for any of us. Fortunately, Honda has the wherewithal to withstand the kind of big-time pressure that the oil industry and Detroit will bring to bear. I hope.
Will we live to see the end of the exportation of Middle Eastern oil and petro-financed dhimmitude and terrorism? Maybe. If Ford and General Motors get their a**es in gear and follow suit instead of negotiating with extensions with petrol-financed terrorists and American oil panderers and pimps.
1 comment:
You write: "The collusion, the enabling, the dysfunctional behavior that passes for normalcy in postmodernity's oil-sated idolatry will not pass easily for any of us."
That's good, almost too good. "The collusion, the enabling, the dysfunctional behavior that passes for normalcy..." isn't that a great glimspe into the modern day 'self'?
And you don't stop there; "...postmodernity's oil-sated idolatry..." but wait, you top it off with; "will not pass easily for any of us" (almost like leading us to a conversion story, maybe of epic proportions).
But maybe because I am a retailer, and have to deal with the crotchet-ness of "The Customer" daily, I am not sure I go along with where your hope in the marketplace is a realistic source for breaking us out of our collusion, the enabling, the dysfunctional behavior that passes for normalcy in postmodernity's oil-sated idolatry. Of course many argue against me saying that the marketplace is THE very place where everything works out in the end...
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