"Candy-gram ... Delivery ... Room service ... UPS ... "Fr. John Zuhlsdorf reports - and comments on - the findings of the Catholic League and the
Obama wants abortion coverage in reform bill, Catholic League charges
New York City, N.Y., Aug 11, 2009 / 02:36 pm (CNA).- Health care reform is hitting a wall, claims Catholic League president Bill Donohue, and if you want to know why, the answer is opposition to coverage for abortion.
According to Donohue, President Obama has thus far refused to ask Congress to pass an amendment to exclude abortion coverage from public funding because Obama is so committed to making the procedure more available.
Echoing observations made by pro-life advocates, the Catholic League president notes that only 35 percent agreed with Obama on allowing funding of abortions overseas and that a later Gallup poll found that a majority of Americans now consider themselves pro-life.
Despite these findings, Donohue charges that the president and his staff are so extreme that they are "apparently willing to sink health care reform before ever excluding abortion from the final bill."
As it tries to deal with the public backlash against the various health care proposals, the White House has created a "Reality Check" section to answer objections people have to the bills.
Noticeably absent from a list of objections that includes rationing, euthanasia, veteran’s care and private insurance, is the issue of taxpayer funding for abortions, notes Donohue. "There’s a reason for that—every time an amendment has been introduced to formally exclude abortion, it has been defeated." More>>>
Not only is Catholic truth under attack by a divide and conquer strategy of the Last Self-Help Administration, so is the family, more unborn babies, and, ipso facto, common sense. All under the aegis of so-called "progressive" humanism.
The public have so long given up on any politician telling the truth, that the Administration just goes ahead and lies, like the "Land-Shark" of old Saturday Night Live shows - whatever it takes to get their agenda through. After all, our chief executive has said plainly the culture wars are
over - he is going to cut the Gordian knot - or so he thinks.
G. K. Chesterton once said, "(Moderns) are always saying, 'You can't put the clock back.' The simple and obvious answer is, 'You can.' The clock, being a piece of human construction, can be restored by the human finger to any figure or hour. In the same way society, being a piece of human construction, can be reconstructed upon any plan that has ever existed."
But first there must come a moment of reckoning, of coming to our collective selves like the Prodigal Son in the far country slopping the pigs (
Lk 15). We must realize the unwarranted worship and idolatry of human desire is sheer folly and, more often than not, evil.
What we must return to is the revealed truth of the Bible, the Church's Tradition, and of Our Lord. Modernism, secularism, paganism, and idolatry have been wanting and have failed too often in the last sad 300 years. Christendom must awaken again and trudge home to the Father's House.
And I don't care who the devil knows it, including, I might add, the devil. It may interest those who not only do evil but lead others to join them that the devil normally breaks his tools when he is finished with them.