Friday, August 14, 2009

Heads Up

As much as the MSM, the Last Self-Help Administration, and basically everyone who is out to prove that he or she went to college wants to stick their proverbial fingers in their ears, and shut their eyes to the realities of the Scimitar, the ugly realities remain.

It is fine to say that we Christians have to emphasize our deficits, our lack of catechsis, our woe-begotten and deplorable stumbling efforts at virtue, chivalry, and holiness. That is completely true. It is of a piece with the reason that the Catholic faith subscribes to the doctrine of infallibility. We believe in infallibility because we are such woe-begotten sots. If it weren't for the guarantee of the Holy Spirit to keep and sustain the truth within the Church, we'd really be lost because that it is all infallibility means.

If we want to understand the Scimitar, pray for its religionists, deal with it in real-time, we must stop shutting our eyes to its beliefs, its tenets, its presupposition. After all, as René Girard recently pointed out,
Even though there are no longer any archaic religions, it is as if a new one had arisen built on the back of the Bible, a slightly transformed Bible. It would be an archaic religion strengthened by aspects of the Bible and Christianity. Archaic religion collapsed in the face of Judeo-Christian revelation, but Islam resists. While Christianity eliminates sacrifice wherever it gains a foothold, Islam seems in many respects to situate itself prior to that rejection.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And the Scimitar is huge and growing. And it is not assimilating itself into the cultures into which it immigrates.

These are simply facts, indicatives, not normatives. But they are facts before which we should not, we cannot and must not, close our eyes to any longer.

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