Saturday, February 23, 2008

Quotes of the Day

“The believing community comes to know God precisely by being baptismally re-created and eucharistically re-membered as the Body of Christ. This is not an isolated liturgical event but a daily struggle sacramentalized in the liturgy; it is the discovery of one’s personhood in living out the concrete manifestations of the paschal mystery in the daily details of one’s existence.” – Mark McIntosh

"In a Christian context, selfhood is oxymoronic. The true self is the giving away of the self to the Other and/or others. It is pouring out one's life, losing one's life in order to find it." - Gil Bailie

"All the appeals to custom, to tradition, to authority, to the positive teaching of religion, to the gestures repeated since childhood . . . are not meant to compel reason nor to supplement it, but to protect it against the vertigo of the imagination. . . . And the only people to be scandalized are, in the words of St. Augustine 'those who do not know how rare and difficult a thing it is for the fleshly imagination to be subdued by the serenity of a devout mind'." - Henri de Lubac

"Christian anthropology concerns itself with personhood. Personhood as we perceive it from a kenotic perspective suggests a category that cannot be reduced to a traditional notion of the individual. . . . The self as a person exists in and through deeds and words that reveal it to others. Thus person is sacramental." - Lucien Richard
h/t: Gil Bailie @ Cornerstone Forum

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