Saturday, April 5, 2008

Who's Oppressing Who - B. Kay

Barbara Kay, writer for a Canadian paper, takes on misandry in family law (and a few other things in this insightful article. By the way, this excerpt shows a fine Girardian awareness sans Girard:
Because of my people’s unique history, I am instinctively wary of any group – whether a race, an ethnic group, a religion or a sex - that plays a dualistic hand, scapegoating an entire group to explain the unachieved goals of its own members. For a scapegoating ideology always ends in grievance-collecting and a conspiracy theory of history. My people has been unusually vulnerable to conspiracy theory evils over the centuries. It is presently in the midst of battling a particularly destructive and existentially threatening one.

Virtually all Arab and many other Muslim nations rely on Jew hatred to externalize an explanation for their own failures. It works very well. The world has not seen such a widespread and virulent strain of anti-Semitism dominating an entire region since the Nazi era...
Read all of Who’s Oppressing Who?

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