...through his Resurrection he was confirmed by God as the true Promised One and beyond that as God's final self-manifestation and self-giving to the world. What is manifest fulfillment in the Risen One remains an "earnest" for Christians...
- Hans Urs von Balthasar
To celebrate the 1,000th blog post here at Chronicles of Atlantis, I chose this double exposure I took over 20 years ago. It was taken on a Nikon FM2 and was a total mistake - or at least unintentional shot. The mosaic of the Risen Lord comes from the Resurrection Chapel of the National Cathedral Church of Sts Peter and Paul. The sunrise was looking east from my backyard in Winchester, Virginia.
I was astonished to see it when I got back the pictures after developing. It still amazes me today.
Congratulations on 1000 post. I'm a newcomer and I am quite enjoying your posts. I too am a fan of Gil Bailie.
This is an exquisite photograph that I would love to have a copy of.
Thanks, Jill. Just right click on it and "save as" to your desktop or wherever.
What a fabulous screw up there Ath. A definite keeper.
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