Thursday, March 5, 2009

What If

What if a puer were elected to the presidency of the United States; a one-time waif who, blessed with a superb mind, carries emotional scars emblematic of personality disorder - "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy."

With the near-limitless resources afforded the office, this person could take revenge on a world that shuffled him hither and yon through out his early childhood, mirroring (he thinks) the carelessness that he himself experienced: tit for tat on a vast scale.

And, as the case usually is, what if his political party is so locked in a doubling rivalry with its mirror party that vast numbers of powerful politicians, brokers, lobbyists, and cronies believe that it is better to follow his lead than admit the emperor has no clothes as the economy of the entire nation crashes and burns?

What if.

1 comment:

David Nybakke said...

What if...

What if he actually won by a pretty hefty margin?

Not what if, but what does that say about the millions who cast votes for him?

Would not looking into the mirror the electorate see a similar puer: waifs abound in so many of our nearly vanishing shires which no one seems interested in defending anymore?

What if we concluded that the presidency is just a reflection of the electorate - an "emblematic of personality disorder"? Could it be that we, the electorate, are responsible in that we (collective) no longer believe or have a committed faith nor strong religious stirrings?

What if we decided to start up movements all over the many shires across this vast land, beginning with attendance in churches, and shire town hall meetings, and write in campaigns? What if we went to the streets and carried the good fight about life, ... what if this presidency gave the people of the shires its commitment and dedication to perserving life by forcing us to take a stand (against him) and fight for life instead of just taking things for granted? What if...

What will it take for us to stand for Christ through our actions as the Body of Christ - the Church?