Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Such "news" as this audacity, or this tripe and piffle, or this fluff-theology, all show the degree to which logic can be corrupted by accepting the wrong set of presuppositions; either by the sin of pride or heresy or pomp.

First principles, a priori presuppositions which are faith statements and cannot be proven, by definition, are the beginning places of battles today - between fundamentalist evolutionists and creationists, between the Scimitar and secularism, between O-bots and Catholics ... the list goes on. All human reasoning begins at presuppositions and from them arrives at inferences based upon them.

"Who are you going to believe?" is one step from, "Who do you say that I AM?" Pray, this Wednesday of Holy Week, for the conversion of sinners, and sinful thinking.


David Nybakke said...

and also pray for the transformation into an instrument of God so as to help God convert sinners and sinful thinking.

Athos said...

That, my dear fellow, is entirely up to Him. If He provides the grace, I'll do the sanctifying. If He provides the faith, I'll do the responding. If He provides the vision, I'll do the seeing. If He'll provide the fortitude, I'll do the courage.

As it is, I'll settle for pointing my nose toward my Lord and hope against hope that if and as I fail - which I will - I'll fail in such a way so as to help others succeed.

Or, did you have something else in mind?