Thursday, April 30, 2009

Priest Holes, Anyone?

President Obama is seen as more liberal than most of the country, and "hardly anyone" seems to mind, if you trust the NYT. Never mind the kooks and far-right fringe, like those Catholic freaks trying to brew up a stinkus for the president's visit to Notre Dame.

"Follow the money" will be a good motto as we enter what I consider the "American Reformation." Just as Lord Cecil and his cronies became the "new wealth" of Tudor England - the true power behind Elizabeth's throne and legislating Catholicism out of England - George "Move On" Soros and the "progressives" of America are ”having a good crisis.”

What will America look like after the American Reformation? I can guarantee that Catholic faith and morals will, once again, take a major hit.

1 comment:

David Nybakke said...

Ath, what "America" after the American Reformation? (language - the use of the term 'America' - has been abused so that, instead of being a means of communicating the truth and entering more deeply into it, and of the acquisition of wisdom, it is being used to control people and manipulate them to achieve practical ends.)