Thursday, August 6, 2009

Adieu (Not So Fast)

"I need a vacation..."

Following the lead of friend Dawn Eden, I am bowing out at the Chronicles of Atlantis. It has been a good run. I don't think many have visited, but I appreciate those of you who have stopped by and left a comment. Do your darnest to read the First Things article by René Girard, On War and Apocalypse, grab Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton, and visit Four Mass'keteers, where I will continue to blog with my fellow brothers-in-arms.

Too, don't forget to pick up your copy of my book, A Little Guide for Your Last Days either from the publisher or Amazon. A colleague and school counselor said it was filled with life lessons for fighting the good fight. I hope you will agree.

Oh, and yes: there is more truth about our day in C. S. Lewis's Prince Caspian (his book, not the ridiculous recent film) and That Hideous Strength than in any number of commentators. Cheers and God bless. +


Kiwiclapton said...

Wow, sorry to see you go, loved your blog down here in New Zealand.
All the best, and God Bless. Andrew

David Nybakke said...

Ath, that's the scariest darn picture representing a need for a vacation that I have seen. I thought that I needed a vacation as I have allowed myself to be turned inside out by being dis-connected from Our Lord. Family (brother, niece, folks) straying further and further away from the Lord, which leaves family business plummeting as economy shifts. It has been the most trying time for me holding anything together and a visit to a cave for spiritual refreshment is not on the radar screen anytime soon.

Second thought, maybe your "I need a vacation" picture is most appropriate.


Tim J. said...

Drat and blast.

Ah, well, I suppose you do what you must.

Glad to hear you will continue to post at T4Ms.


Kevin Whiteman said...

Truely regrettable. I wish you'd change your mind.

Athos said...

Perhaps an hiatus would have been more apropos. There are items that simply are not apposite at the 4Ms. Arright .. a few more weeks. Cheers

Tim J. said...
