Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Time for Real Hope, Real Change

The time has come to break the two party dance of mimetic rivals. It must be large enough to create true hope and true change, based not on the same old same old, but faithfulness to truth, goodness, and beauty.

In short, we must lock arms and become a people who love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and strength; and our neighbor as ourself (Lk 10). It will be Catholic, in faith and morals, in loyalty to the magisterium, Pope's men (and women) all. It must be stalwart, resolute, and die hard; ready to oppose all who want to compromise the truth of Scripture and Tradition.

Our souls are at stake. I wouldn't mind its headquarters being at Ave Maria in Florida (though I would personally prefer Christendom College in Virginia). It must be large enough to make our absence - and our vote - felt by BOTH mimetic rival parties. But it must not - must not! - compromise on the Church's teaching office.

Our souls are at stake.

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