Friday, February 5, 2010

Trudge Home or Stay with the Pigs?

It's wonderful when one finds that one's thoughts on a subject - say, that touchy subject of the wrath of God - aren't too far out in left field, theologically speaking. Monsignor Charles Pope, whose funeral homily (here) should be required listening as a memento mori, gives us the straight scoop in What is the Wrath of God?

Like the Loving Father in Our Lord's parable of the Lost Son (Lk 15), God allows us, made in His image, imago dei, the free will to journey with our ontological inheritance into a "far country" of sin. When and if we come to our senses and realize that we are at the end of our substance and below our human dignity - not because God is "punishing" us for breaking His laws, but because we have broken ourselves on His laws in consequential judgment - then we can begin our miserable trudge back toward Him and the "farm" we should never have left.

This goes for individuals, families, communities, and even civilizations. The question is: will we?

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