Monday, November 26, 2007

Turning Grief Into Grievance

Everyone knows that Paris is burning again. The tale is familiar: two "youths" are dead and retaliation -- turning grief into grievance -- is swift, out of control, and out of proportion. O, and did I mention, the accusations on which the violence is based are erroneous?

But did you know or hear of Anne-Lorraine (23), a young journalist, who a few hours after the "youths" died, was stabbed to death on a suburban train near Creil, while resisting a man who was trying to rape her? The man had already been convicted for violent sexual assault in 1996. There was no rioting, no tumult for her lonely, sad death. Fancy that.

Do you suppose it has something to do with cultural, ethnic, and religious background differences? Astute of you if you think so.

The Christian faith has learned to abjure turning grief into grievance -- in fits and starts, to be sure. But Islam knows only one template: the primitive Sacred's predilection to find and use any excuse -- and accusation, however false or contrived -- as a provocation to violence and its falsely cathartic transcendence. This is a sad but true piece of vital information.

Compare, for example, the funerals of John Paul II the Great and Yasar Arafat: the stately beauty of grief in the former; the tinder-box mayhem of the latter.

God rest the soul of Anne-Lorraine and bring peace to the hearts of her family and loved ones. I don't expect to see reports of their rioting and violence.

What do you suppose will happen when the number of "youths" grows to a tipping-point beyond the control of the emergency services? How long will that be?


Genevieve said...

Not long at all--with all the socialism and contraception they need immigrants to sustain the country --but what cures them temporarily will ultimately kill them.

Mark Gordon said...

According to Mary Steyn in America Alone the tipping point will arrive for Europe generally sometime in the middle of this century, perhaps sooner in some countries. As I and others have predicted, though, Europe will not simply slip into the Muslim night. There will be a reaction, and in all likelihood it will manifest itself as a revival of fascism, only this time on a continental scale. When an aging native population, still in control of the machinery of the state, meets Muslim "youths" in the streets of Antwerp, London and Rome, expect civil war, the collapse of the European economy, and bloodshed on an unimaginable scale.

Mark Gordon said...

In the comment above, I mean to write "Mark" Steyn, not "Mary" Steyn. Interestingly, Gates of Vienna blog today features a post about a hypothetical future civil war in Denmark.

Athos said...

I find the Danish civil war scenario especially interesting since it was penned in 2005: an amazingly plausible and credible piece.