Sunday, January 18, 2009

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Charlotte Iserbyt tells how she was trained in the Department of Education to bring over (con) local, state, and national public education leaders through soft coercion regarding sex education and other programs that otherwise would not have entered school systems.


David Nybakke said...

Interesting clip. I haven't heard of her or her book. You don't want to elaborate further on the subject? Have you had to suffer through training as she describes?

Athos said...

Her comments about community organizing are foreboding, considering who is entering the WH. But I find that the Catholic Church is quite resilient to such ploys, depending on how close Catholics intentionally stay to the Altar, our Divine Victim, and the truth, faith, and morals vouchsafed by the Magisterium.

Bloom (as in his Taxonomy) is fairly standard for all educators, and not quite such a bogeyman, IMO. I am a Catholic educator, tho'. I have an entirely different set of hoops to jump through than public school teachers. Thankfully.

David Nybakke said...

"I am a Catholic educator, tho'. I have an entirely different set of hoops to jump through than public school teachers."

oooohhhh, not sure I wanta know about THOSE hoops you gotta jump through...