Friday, July 24, 2009

Telling Truth is not Scapegoating

Sadly, some believe that speaking the truth constitutes "scapegoating". This is not true unless we say that delineating between good and evil actions is scapegoating. If so, then relativism has won, and Catholic truth is relegated to silence once and for all.

But you won't find that mistaken attitude here at Chronicles! Truth, goodness, and beauty live, me hearties! And I don't mind pointing a finger to say so, even if liars, evil-doers, and plug-uglies feel "victimized" by my doing so.

After all, how can a sinner repent unless s/he has heard that there IS something as a sin?

In that vein, I give you the following:
Cardinal Antonio CaƱizares Llovera, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, blasted Spain’s abortion laws during a July 20 lecture in Madrid. Referring to the 47 million surgicial abortions that take place annually, Cardinal CaƱizares called abortion “something unprecedented in the history of humanity.” Emphasizing the penalty of “immediate excommunication,” the cardinal added, “This practice is a crime, the killing of a human life, an innocent, weak and defenseless human being. Is there any other greater atrocity?” More>>>
If the good cardinal's indictment is "scapegoating" abortion-advocates, then I stand with him, not the silencers.

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