Sunday, June 15, 2008

What England Lost - Mary's Dowry

"Not one hundred (in the United States) hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think that the Roman Catholic Church is."
- Archbishop Fulton Sheen

For any who might not be under the sway of the anti-Catholic historians and would have minds sufficiently open to undertake an understanding of the true history of England, an invaluable and succinct form can be found in Hiliare Belloc's Europe and the Faith, chapter 5, "What Happened in Britain?"

An irrational and warm feeling of oneness with England won't bring Mary's Dowry back to one's imaginary, misty thoughts of chivalry, nobility, and Christendom. That only existed insofar as England was one with Christendom that was wholly one with the Catholic Church. It began breaking down with the Tudor revolution and we see its barren, ugly results today.

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