Thursday, June 5, 2008

Poor Old England

In topsy-turvydom, where, as Leonard Cohen observes, "Won't be nuthin, nuthin you can measure anymore," Preaching the Gospel Is a ‘Hate Crime’ in the United Kingdom.

Of course, the more one studies the English "reformation" replete with the hangings, drawings (of one's entrails), and quarterings (of one's limbs and said limbs are sent to the four 'quarters' of the Kingdom to shew what happens when one messes with governmental powers), one realizes that the beginnings of the lewd, lascivious, and craven double-think began with the bestial rebellion against the epistemological, ontological, and anthropological certainty of the Catholic Church and her vouchsafed Magisterium.

From then, it was all down hill to the present day. I truly wish I could see anymore hope than could Master Shakespeare in Troilus and Cressida, or Timon of Athens. But I do not.

The best I can hope for are a few souls - the occasional C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, or Sebastian Moore - who will emerge from the beleaguered sacrificial quarry that Britain has become. I pine for the multitudes who live, prosper, and die in the hubris and nihil of present day England. May the Lord raise up a new, truth-seeking generation with the spirit and hope to turn its eyes toward Rome.

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