Sunday, June 1, 2008

Present Crisis - Dry Tinder

It is tempting to find the present crisis in the Democratic Party amusing. But this would be a mistake from the viewpoint of mimetic theory. Not only are ALL of us living in the time of scandal and sacrificial preparation, but we take for granted too much that we are somehow exempt in the United States from the kind of social devolution and violence that we see elsewhere.

Westerners while living in the "Christ-haunted" ethos of the bare ruined choirs of Christendom rarely can articulate let alone thematize the foundational presuppositions that lent us freedom from elements of the primitive Sacred: the paganism that is premised on force majeure, pantheism and animism. But rest assured: if we continue to throw out the Judeo-Christian antinomy for paganism in our legislatures, media, and courts of law, we shall most surely see it in its hydra-like manifestations raining fire across the delapidated West.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Or, don't you know paganism when you see it in post-modern nihilism and the Scimitar?

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