Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lambert's Work on Hitler

Many have tried to grasp the deepest significance of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Here, James Lambert examines documentary footage from "Triumph of the Will" and, Leni Riefenstahl's earlier effort, "Victory of Faith." I make similar connections at Swastika & the Scimitar and Swastika & the Scimitar Part II.

One cannot begin to grasp the way Hitler utilized crowd psychology until one understands the pathological labyrinth of human culture explored and marked by René Girard. The only difference between National Socialism and present Islamist fascism is the degree to which the former consciously carried out its efforts with Nietzschean and, hence, pagan intent. The past, as Girard, has shown, holds the keys to understanding the present and future. May we learn and, empowered by the Church and her Gospel, move inch by inch closer to our pre-lapsarian nature. Kudos to Lambert for grasping the outline of the "primitive Sacred" nature of Hitler's conscious agenda and gravitational force field of Islamist fascism.

Visit James K. Lambert's homepage and the other segments of his work on Hitler here. [HT: Atlas Shrugs]

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