Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jerk Theology

Mary Jackson quotes Ajmal Masmoor’s line of reasoning:
Tony Blair's conversion to Catholicism does not come as a surprise to anyone but I would have liked him to turn to Islam instead. Blair has claimed on many occasions that he has read the Quran and has said he found its teachings "progressive". He is right that the Quran is progressive and as a revealed book of God, it is the latest testament. Why would Blair turn to the older versions of God's testament when there is the Quran? His conversion sounds rather regressive to me.
This, as Jackson observes, is like Steve Martin's character in "The Jerk" who wants some NEW wine and won't be palmed off with any of those old wines that have been sitting around so long.

Using Masmoor's thinking, newer is better. Excellent. Let's inquire into some other new age or neo-pagan stabs at receiving divine revelation.

And remember: one demented recipient of messages from "allah" sitting in a cave with a murderous desire for power is far better than the Tradition of the Catholic Church and her Deposit of Faith that gave birth to the Scriptures of the New Testament. Far better than the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, the embodiment of the Law and Prophets, crucified, risen, and ascended into Heaven: the Guarantor of inerrancy and continuancy of the Church until He comes again. Far better than receiving eternal life through the ordinary means of Grace in the Blessed Sacrament. Yeah, right.

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