Monday, April 14, 2008

Conquering Rome, Catholics or Crusaders

Good news, kids. PLO ambassador Abbas Zaki has made this friendly and conciliatory statement to NBN TV:

"In light of the weakness of the Arab nation and the lack of values, and in light of the American control over the world, the PLO proceeds through phases, without changing its strategy. Let me tell you, when the ideology of Israel collapses, and we take, at least, Jerusalem, the Israeli ideology will collapse in its entirety, and we will begin to progress with our own ideology, Allah willing, and drive them out of all of Palestine," added Zaki.

The clip can be viewed at

And in a sermon televised on Friday, Yunis al-Astal, a Hamas MP and cleric, told worshipers that Islam would soon conquer Rome, "the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital, which has declared its hostility to Islam, and which has planted the brothers of apes and pigs in Palestine in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam," just as Constantinople was.

Rome, he said, would become "an advanced post for the Islamic conquests which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, and even Eastern Europe."

Now, before you shake your head and rub your eyes, remember: If a non-Scimitar sort of person said any of these things about a Scimitar-established organization like the PLO or Hamas, it would be labeled 'Hate speech.' But because Mssrs. Zaki and al-Astal ARE of the Scimitar religion, it is OKAY. Got it? Good. Remember that.

Joking aside, the men are undoubtedly preaching to the choir, shoring up their support saying such nonsense; except that the demographic trend is on their side of things. And, lest one forget, the stalwart attitude of the Scimitar comes from an expression of the primitive Sacred that is posited on fierce hatred of its constituting other (Judeo-Christianity), blindness to its own wrong-doing, and a luciferian logic sustained by its myths, rituals, and prohibitions.

We can scoff at their words, but we had best not ignore them.

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