Monday, February 23, 2009

Lenten Chivalry Resources

In days of effete, whiny, illiberal, and ideologically enforced multiculturalism, it takes quite a muscular effort to believe, let alone act on, objective truth. Ally after ally has ceded high ground. To remain ontologically, anthropologically, epistemologically, teleologically, and soteriologically grounded is nigh on impossible outside of the grace offered by Our Lord in and through His Church's sacraments. (Even then, in His wisdom He proffers the Sacrament of Reconciliation knowing how easily we slip from a state of grace into venial and grave sin.)

Some resources I most highly recommend for any and all who are as needy as I, and they are the following.

(1) The Catechism of the Catholic Church, the finest compendium of the Revelation of the Most Holy Trinity vouchsafed to the Magisterium. And it is yours for the receiving. If you have no other book besides the Bible, have this!

(2) Corpus Christianum. Marian chivalry - saying Yes! with Our Lady - is a blessed and holy vocation. We must needs pray for the Holy Father, Mother Church, and all that can be salvaged of Christendom.

(3) The Cornerstone Forum. Gil Bailie is, in my humble estimation, one of the greatest gifts to Western Civilization extant. Procure his Emmaus Road Initiative CDs and listen in your car, at home, in your free time during this Lent and beyond. You are blessed to live while Bailie and his influence is available and around. Check the listings of his ERI talks; if you are near-by, go listen to a modern-day prophet. I do not exaggerate.

(4) All things J. R. R. Tolkien. After you read his masterpiece, Lord of the Rings, delve into his letters.

(5) Peter Jackson's film depiction of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Though flawed (read: rewritten), it is a visual feast and, for the intuitive, one can forgive Jackson his presumption for the glories therein.

(6) The writings of G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc. I find transliterating the writings of these great British Catholics difficult at times, but the distillation is a special brew and heady draught worth the effort.

And finally, (7) the Holy Fathers' writings. Both John Paul II the Great and our present pontiff, Benedict XVI are inestimable sources of grace, wisdom, and courage.

These will get you started. Realize that a vocation of chivalry is a lonely one today, but unequaled in riches and blessings and beauty. Yours is the quest of the Grail knights. None but the Cup of Christ and the Bread of Heaven will sate your deepest desires.

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