Monday, February 11, 2008

Friends, Lovers, & Spouses

Al Salibiyyah (Arabic for "Crusade") features a Valentine of a story from Kuwait City:
Valentine's Day is just three days away, but one Muslim politician is heading up a committee to make sure it goes completely ignored.

Kuwaiti MP Waleed Al-Tabtabae, head of the National Assembly’s Committee Monitoring Negative Alien Practices, will chair his group Wednesday to discuss ways to repress all public displays recognizing the international day of love.

“We want to discuss measures that should be taken by these ministries to prevent such alien events from impacting Kuwaiti society and spreading corruption among the Kuwaiti youth,” Al-Tabtabae told reporters Monday.

Committee member Islamist MP Jamaan Al-Harbash said many Islamic countries ban Valentine's Day celebrations because the holiday “spreads moral corruption.”
Gil Bailie is wont to note that only in Christian lands do couples walk hand-in-hand. And for a very good reason, it seems to me. The Catholic faith teaches that a ramification of Original Sin is the subjugation of women and the domination of men over them. With conversion and through God's grace in the waters of our Baptism, the stain of Original Sin is cleansed away. Probably the clearest reflection of Trinitarian charity [hesed; agape] is seen in the love of husband and wife who are in lifelong covenantal and sacramental marriage with one another.

Pity the poor denizens of cultures whose only image for their deity is master to whom they are slaves. What else shall they be to their wives?

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